Board of Elders
As is tradition in the baptist church culture, the Pastor of St. Paul Community Baptist Church was supported in the work of the Kingdom by a Board of Deacons – the earliest reference being under the pastorate of Rev. Adolphus Smith from 1938-1965.
Commemoration of the MAAFA
Annually, St. Paul Community Baptist Church presents The Commemoration of The MAAFA - an acknowledgment of the history and healing journey from slavery in America.
Communications & Digital Media
The ministry of Communications & Digital Media ensures that the image of St. Paul Community Baptist Church is consistent and directly synergistic with the mission and vision of the church as directed by our Lead Pastor.
Congregational Care
Providing spiritual counseling, assessments, referrals, and follow-up to members of the congregation and staff who are suffering from disease, illness, bereavement, or addiction is the purpose of congregational care. The Ministry addresses the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of older adults, the sick, the physically challenged, and individuals experiencing stress or loss.
Daytime Ministry
The St. Paul Community Baptist Church Daytime Ministry was established in 1994 to serve the needs of seniors, grandparents, retirees, babysitters and evening workers and to encourage their participation in a spirit-inspired program.
Deaf & Interpreters Ministry
SPCBC’s team of committed men and women also stand daily in the gap between God, the pastor and the Deaf community.
EM3M (Eldad Medad Men's Medallion Ministry)
The Eldad Medad Men’s Medallion Ministry is an intentional ministry to Black men, designed to heal and transform men to see themselves through the eyes of God, and equip them to be spiritually awakened leaders of their families and communities.
Jewel Women's Ministry
All women who are members of SPCBC are affectionately called ‘The Jewels of St. Paul,' biblically based on the scripture Malachi 3:17.
New Life Ministry
To create a welcoming, loving atmosphere for new members to help guide them in familiarizing themselves with the resources and ministries available to them, as well as helping identify the spiritual gifts and abilities new members have to offer our community of faith.
Sacred Arts Ministry
Our Sacred Arts Ministry is an integral part of the rich tapestry of SPCBC. Rooted in the belief that art is a profound form of worship, we embrace diverse artistic expressions as a means to deepen our spiritual connections.
859 Hendrix Street, Brooklyn, NY 11207
(Cross Streets: Linden Boulevard & Stanley Avenue)
Call: 718.257.1300
Fax: 718.257.2988
© 2024 by St. Paul Community Baptist Church.