Rev. Dr. Dexter Henderson
Associate Pastor
Reverend Dexter Henderson is an Associate Pastor at the St. Paul Community Baptist Church, located in Brooklyn New York. He serves on the Board of Elders and as Servant leader of the Eldad Medad Men’s Medallion Ministry, and the New Life Ministry.
Dexter Henderson was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y by a single mom, and who himself later became a single parent, raising three beautiful daughters. In 2011, God honored his dedication to his children and he was awarded the New York City “Dad’s Matter Award”, presented by then Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
Rev. Henderson received the call to the pulpit ministry in 2011, and enrolled in the Certificate of Christian Ministry program at New York Theological Seminary where he graduated in 2012, and on June 11th, 2013, received his license to preach the Gospel from Lead Pastor Rev. Dr. David K. Brawley.
Rev. Henderson enrolled in the Master of Divinity program at New York Theological Seminary in September of 2013, where he was elected and served as the President of the Student Association and was awarded The President’s award for excellence in Christian Ministry. He graduated with his Master of Divinity degree from New York Theological Seminary in May 2016 and was Ordained into the Gospel ministry on October 15th, 2017. He is currently enrolled in the doctoral program at NYTS, and is scheduled to graduate in May 2023.
Rev. Henderson’s passion for social justice is reflected in his teaching and preaching, where he emphasizes the importance of understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a liberation perspective, interpreting the sacred texts from “the bottom up, as opposed to interpreting the Bible through the eyes of our oppressors.”